Responsible use of our planet’s resources is a top priority for us. Our aim is a hotel that puts the focus on climate and environmental protection – and helps young people have a future worth living.

A greener way for a better tomorrow
Sustainability & environmental protection
Locally grown, seasonal produce
We purchase food, drinks and other products from long-standing suppliers and partners in the local region. We set great store by premium quality, fair trade supply chains and the seasonal calendar. The Lake Constance area is known for its huge variety of local produce, from apples through wine, milk and meat to hops and gin. We are more than happy to support the local economy and avoid unnecessary journeys.
Own electricity and heat production
All electricity used by our hotel is generated our own combined heat and power (CHP) system. By producing electricity and heat simultaneously (cogeneration), we halve our energy costs and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a third.
Recycling and waste avoidance
Waste sorting is something we take for granted. Parallel to this, we do our best to restrict packaging and other waste to a minimum. “ReThinkingPaper” – which is 100 percent recycled, meaning not a single tree has to be cut down – is used in administration.
Eco-friendly toiletries
We provide our clients with personal care products from STOP THE WATER WHILE USING ME, an eco-friendly natural cosmetics brand based in Germany.
Viva con Agua water projects
We support water projects by Viva con Agua. Viva con Agua pursues the vision of access to clean drinking water, hygiene facilities and basic sanitary provision for people everywhere. Unfortunately, this is still not the case for 2.2 billion people worldwide. We hope to help change this situation through our donations.